Friday, May 24, 2013

New Tunes for Inspiration

If you're wondering what I'm listening to this weekend I've posted a new video on my Tunes page, it's just a click away for some happy listening ;)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's another case of Writer's Block...

It's been a while since I've posted a Sunday Snippet or any updates on how writing the second book is coming along and I'm super sorry for this! Truth be told I've just been having a major case of writer's block and it's making me want to take my frustration out on a big red punching bag!

I feel like everything I write lately is forced or it's provided too soon in the story. My goal is to do everything I can to get inspired this weekend and crank it out, because I'd really hate to not have this book out by the end of June. My greatest fear right now is that I'll read this from the beginning hate it all and scrap it and start over, then I can forget all about having this done by the end of June!

So, friends please keep your fingers crossed and send me some happy inspirational vibes my way ;)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Creating a brand...

Everywhere I look (blogs, twitter, goodreads, etc) I see someone is talking about creating their brand or its a post about tips on creating a brand and it made me realize just how behind I am on this! Eek!

Like some new indie authors I've read about I was waiting for my popularity to pick up. I didn't want to come on the scene with some sense of entitlement unearned, but that's wrong. If I hope to be seen as a serious author I have to first present myself as such. I have to come onto the scene as if I'm already established, a force to be reckoned with! Okay, maybe that last part is a little much, but you get the idea. :)

Of everything I've taken away from these posts is that branding is everything must be consistent and easily traced back to me. If my books are sitting on a shelf, electronic or otherwise, the idea is that with just one glance any reader would recognize that as a book by Melissa Aragon.

So, basically what I'm doing now is lots of research and finding out what's effective and what I've been doing wrong. I've decided to re-do my book cover for Unexpectedly Out of Focus (again!) and have already started on the second book's cover as well. I've chosen book covers with the same models and have decided to change the color scheme from sepia tone to a gray scale.

All in all I'm very satisfied and excited about this new direction I'm going in and the changes I've started. I hope to continue to build a successful brand and make my mark in the literary world :)