Saturday, June 22, 2013

New Tunes...

This week the song I'm listening to has become such a musical obsession :) I absolutely loved this song from the moment I heard it. Check out my Tunes page to have a listen. It's definitely a song for my next book...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two New Tunes This Week!

This week I've posted two videos from two artists that I'm a little obsessed with lately! Click over to my Tunes page to have a listen :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New song for inspiration this week...

I've updated my Tunes page with a new song for some refreshing inspiration this week. Happy Listening! :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's the happenstance?

Something really great and unexpected happened to me about a week ago and I thought it would be great to share a little bit with you all since it has put a slight halt to my writing.

I was asked to give an impromptu sales pitch and the person I was pitching to was immediately intrigued. I don't want to name any names or give any specific details away just yet as nothing has been finalized, but the gist is that this someone has excitedly offered to help me take my books to a higher level of recognition!

Now I am a firm believer in moments of fate/kismet/destiny (whichever term you prefer) and that such moments are orchestrated by the hand of God. I read every where that people are placed in our paths for a certain purpose and sometimes, where business is concerned, a person or persons are placed there to help us advance. Well I feel like that's exactly what happened here.

So, why has my writing been on hold? Well, I wanted to go back in and correct all edits in Unexpectedly Out of Focus so that what I present to this person is professional and worthy of this opportunity. I will update the book at all retailers (Amazon, B&N, Kobo Books, iStore, Sony and Smashwords) along with the new and better cover.

I am humbled and ecstatic that without even reading Unexpectedly Out of Focus this person has offered me this amazing opportunity!


If you've read my About Me page then you know that I save all fortunes that I get and this is the one I got the day after talking with this person:

Wild, right?! 
I thought this was pretty cool and it really felt like a divine sign of confirmation 
( I'm a total believer in signs ;) )


While I have your attention, I'd like to take a moment to say Thank you again to every one of you who has read my book and is eagerly awaiting the release of the second installment.
Because of your interest, excitement and support I am able to fulfill a dream of mine I never really thought was possible. It truly is a blessing :)

I have more announcements regarding the second book that I will post very soon!

Updated My Tunes Page...

If you're wondering what I'm listening to this weekend I've posted a new video on my Tunes page, it's just a click away for some happy listening ;)