Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Book Anniversary To Me - A Thank You Letter

To my readers/fans:

Today is so beyond special for me, at exactly 4:53 pm on 12/31/2012 history was made. Maybe not a significant piece of history-making in the grand scheme of things, but here in my small part of the world it was/is!

Okay, I will try to keep the sappy to a minimum, but I make no guarantees... :)

One year ago today I took the brave step to believe in myself and put my story out into the world to be loved or hated. And I have been overwhelmed by the positive reception of Unexpectedly Out of Focus. Hearing or reading that every reader has loved Mary's story so much they couldn't put the book down until they finished puts a smile on my face that leaves my cheeks so sore! Even now while typing this I can't help smiling! I was so worried that my book would be too taboo for readers and that it would be a major fail, but I couldn't have been more wrong. So, maybe before I say thank you I should say Sorry for underestimating you guys! You all rock!

And now for the thanking...

Thank you for making this year so unforgettable and for making my future look a little brighter! I know one day, hopefully very soon, I will have the option to make writing my full-time career and that's because of you guys--my peeps! :D I hope I can continue to entertain you with every new story I write! From the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued support, I truly cannot say it enough!

I do want to say a very special thank you to Kathy at Romantic Reading Escapes for writing the best review and my first review by a blogger! You understood the story in a way that made me feel a kindred connection with you and although we haven't yet met, I consider you a friend! Thank you for your support, I know I owe some of my success to you for that amazing review :)

Another Special thank you goes to my cheerleaders that have been with me from the beginning: My family and close friends (you know who you are!) and especially my Hubby! You guys pushed me to do this, you encouraged me every step of the way and you tell everyone you can to read my book. I couldn't pay for such amazing advertising that I get from you guys. Because of you my book has reached so many readers, thank you!!! I love you guys!! <3 p="">
Okay, now it's time to PARTY! Woo-Hoo! ;) I have to go do my hair and get all dolled up to ring in the new year with my wonderful Hubby! A year I'm excited to start with the release of the sequel to Unexpectedly Out of Focus and a new story that I just know you're going to Love! :)

Please, don't be strangers, find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or here! I promise to always respond, hopefully it will be that same day, but as you can imagine my days can be busy so don't fret because I will respond eventually :)

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