Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Book Anniversary To Me - A Thank You Letter

To my readers/fans:

Today is so beyond special for me, at exactly 4:53 pm on 12/31/2012 history was made. Maybe not a significant piece of history-making in the grand scheme of things, but here in my small part of the world it was/is!

Okay, I will try to keep the sappy to a minimum, but I make no guarantees... :)

One year ago today I took the brave step to believe in myself and put my story out into the world to be loved or hated. And I have been overwhelmed by the positive reception of Unexpectedly Out of Focus. Hearing or reading that every reader has loved Mary's story so much they couldn't put the book down until they finished puts a smile on my face that leaves my cheeks so sore! Even now while typing this I can't help smiling! I was so worried that my book would be too taboo for readers and that it would be a major fail, but I couldn't have been more wrong. So, maybe before I say thank you I should say Sorry for underestimating you guys! You all rock!

And now for the thanking...

Thank you for making this year so unforgettable and for making my future look a little brighter! I know one day, hopefully very soon, I will have the option to make writing my full-time career and that's because of you guys--my peeps! :D I hope I can continue to entertain you with every new story I write! From the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued support, I truly cannot say it enough!

I do want to say a very special thank you to Kathy at Romantic Reading Escapes for writing the best review and my first review by a blogger! You understood the story in a way that made me feel a kindred connection with you and although we haven't yet met, I consider you a friend! Thank you for your support, I know I owe some of my success to you for that amazing review :)

Another Special thank you goes to my cheerleaders that have been with me from the beginning: My family and close friends (you know who you are!) and especially my Hubby! You guys pushed me to do this, you encouraged me every step of the way and you tell everyone you can to read my book. I couldn't pay for such amazing advertising that I get from you guys. Because of you my book has reached so many readers, thank you!!! I love you guys!! <3 p="">
Okay, now it's time to PARTY! Woo-Hoo! ;) I have to go do my hair and get all dolled up to ring in the new year with my wonderful Hubby! A year I'm excited to start with the release of the sequel to Unexpectedly Out of Focus and a new story that I just know you're going to Love! :)

Please, don't be strangers, find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or here! I promise to always respond, hopefully it will be that same day, but as you can imagine my days can be busy so don't fret because I will respond eventually :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Book Anniversary Celebration!

So my book anniversary is coming up, New Year's Eve to be exact. Woo-Hoo!!!

I was once asked why I chose this day to publish my book and it was very symbolic for me. I chose a day that was perfectly in between the old and the new. New Year's Eve was my day to celebrate the old that brought me an accomplishment I wouldn't have guessed I had in me until I took that leap and the next day would be the start of a new year and a new journey. A journey I was and still am so exciting to be on. I feel blessed to have the talent and courage to do this and even more blessed to have the support of family and friends--old and new (this is you new readers)! So thank you to everyone who has made this year such an unforgettable year, I am forever grateful for you all!

Okay, enough of the mush and on to the details ;D

Although my anniversary date is a special one (as stated) I would never assume it's special enough to put aside your amazing New Year's plans (sitting at home with a good book counts!), so I've decided to celebrate a week after on 1/7/2014

I will have goodies to give away: 

4 $5 Starbucks gift cards (these are for my twitter peeps only so make sure you're following me @authormelaragon)
4 $5 amazon gift cards
4 signed paperback copies of Unexpectedly Out of Focus

I will also be here online naming winners and I've decided to open the virtual floor to you all to ask me anything that you have been dying to ask me in the comments section below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Use this link to post the giveaway to your own pages and give your followers or friends a chance to win as well!

Monday, December 9, 2013

New Tunes

I've updated my Tunes page again :) This time it's a feel good song that always makes me want to write until I'm bled dry of my imagination! Have a listen with me: http://authormelissaaragon.blogspot.com/p/tunes.html

Monday, December 2, 2013

New Tunes

I've updated my Tunes page click http://authormelissaaragon.blogspot.com/p/tunes.html to see what I'm listening to today to keep me focused and inspired :)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Smashwords Interview

Hi Peeps! I participated in the Smashwords.com author interview feature and it's up for your reading pleasure here: https://www.smashwords.com/interview/MelissaAragon

 If there's anything I don't answer that has been gnawing away at your curiosity ask it below in the comments :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Temporary Price Drop!

Hi All, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month I have decided to temporarily drop Unexpectedly Out of Focus' price to .99 pennies! The price change is effective immediately at Smashwords.com and will update at all other major e-book retailers (Amazon.comBarnesandnoble.comKobobooks.com, iBookstoreebookstore.sony.com) within the next few days. :)

Buy Pink, donate what you can and remember early detection saves lives so check often!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Tunes...

Fill your morning (or night depending on when you read this :) ) with some great music by Zedd Ft. Hayley Williams. Their song "Stay the Night" has me wanting to write until my fingers cramp! Click on over to my Tunes page to have a listen with me :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Tunes

I've updated my Tunes page again! This is a real representation of me: what inspires me can change at the drop of a hat :) and this time the hat has landed on...well you'll have to click on over to find out!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Tunes

I just updated my Tunes page with a little something different, but oh so good. Enjoy and Happy Listening :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's Giveaway Time!

Three lucky peeps can win a free e-copy of my book Unexpectedly Out of Focus by entering below!

What happens when a sexy Casanova-type is partnered up with a beautiful woman who is lonely and neglected by her workaholic husband? Do sparks fly? Are steamy, intimate moments shared and vows broken? Or does she resist his charms and remain a faithful wife?

At the young age of 21 Mary met Alex, the strait-laced-boy-next-door guy who offered her the safe life she desperately needed. Impetuously they got married and seven years later they still seem to be happily married. Or are they?

With Alex working hard to make junior partner Mary's left alone and neglected and suddenly the safe side of the road is turning out to be very lonely.

Enter Bryce, the new sexy British photographer Mary's boss just hired to be her new partner. He's a smooth-talking Adonis who has his sexy, grey eyes set on her and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Teamed with her two best friends by her side, Sarah, her rock, and Jane, her voice of reason, Mary faces some of the tough challenges of life and love.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to share the love? Paste this link on your blog to let your followers enter to win :)

***Side note: This is my first time using rafflecopter so hopefully all goes well ;)***

Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Tunes!

I've posted a new song to my Tunes page, click and have a listen with me :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Unexpectedly Out of Focus is officially on Authorgraph - a very awesome site that allows you to request an e-autograph and special message from me to be sent directly to your e-reader! I hope to receive your requests soon :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

New Tunes...

As always I'm sharing with you all that I've got a new song this week that has truly kept me hypnotized and inspired to write my heart out ;) Click on over to my Tunes page to have listen!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Tunes...

It's been a while since I've last posted a new song on my Tunes page, click on over to listen to what's keeping me focused this week :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Author Q&A Hosted By YGRT

Check out my author Q&A on Yah Gotta Read This! to learn a little more about my writing process in creating Unexpectedly Out of Focus :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Quick Update...

I wanted to write this post to explain why book number two is still now out. In my last update post I did mention that I might scrap what I had written and start over. Well, I didn't scrap all of it, but I did feel I had to change quite a bit. I was so worried that I had revealed too much too soon. So my timeline has been set back a bit, but I promise I am doing everything I can to write as much as possible. I don't want to give a date of when to expect it's release just yet, but as soon as I'm close you can bet I'll be posting it everywhere ;)

I know you're all wanting to break down my door just to get your closure and I want to give you that closure, but I want it to be the best version so please stick with me just a little longer :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

New Tunes...

This week the song I'm listening to has become such a musical obsession :) I absolutely loved this song from the moment I heard it. Check out my Tunes page to have a listen. It's definitely a song for my next book...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two New Tunes This Week!

This week I've posted two videos from two artists that I'm a little obsessed with lately! Click over to my Tunes page to have a listen :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New song for inspiration this week...

I've updated my Tunes page with a new song for some refreshing inspiration this week. Happy Listening! :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's the happenstance?

Something really great and unexpected happened to me about a week ago and I thought it would be great to share a little bit with you all since it has put a slight halt to my writing.

I was asked to give an impromptu sales pitch and the person I was pitching to was immediately intrigued. I don't want to name any names or give any specific details away just yet as nothing has been finalized, but the gist is that this someone has excitedly offered to help me take my books to a higher level of recognition!

Now I am a firm believer in moments of fate/kismet/destiny (whichever term you prefer) and that such moments are orchestrated by the hand of God. I read every where that people are placed in our paths for a certain purpose and sometimes, where business is concerned, a person or persons are placed there to help us advance. Well I feel like that's exactly what happened here.

So, why has my writing been on hold? Well, I wanted to go back in and correct all edits in Unexpectedly Out of Focus so that what I present to this person is professional and worthy of this opportunity. I will update the book at all retailers (Amazon, B&N, Kobo Books, iStore, Sony and Smashwords) along with the new and better cover.

I am humbled and ecstatic that without even reading Unexpectedly Out of Focus this person has offered me this amazing opportunity!


If you've read my About Me page then you know that I save all fortunes that I get and this is the one I got the day after talking with this person:

Wild, right?! 
I thought this was pretty cool and it really felt like a divine sign of confirmation 
( I'm a total believer in signs ;) )


While I have your attention, I'd like to take a moment to say Thank you again to every one of you who has read my book and is eagerly awaiting the release of the second installment.
Because of your interest, excitement and support I am able to fulfill a dream of mine I never really thought was possible. It truly is a blessing :)

I have more announcements regarding the second book that I will post very soon!

Updated My Tunes Page...

If you're wondering what I'm listening to this weekend I've posted a new video on my Tunes page, it's just a click away for some happy listening ;)

Friday, May 24, 2013

New Tunes for Inspiration

If you're wondering what I'm listening to this weekend I've posted a new video on my Tunes page, it's just a click away for some happy listening ;)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's another case of Writer's Block...

It's been a while since I've posted a Sunday Snippet or any updates on how writing the second book is coming along and I'm super sorry for this! Truth be told I've just been having a major case of writer's block and it's making me want to take my frustration out on a big red punching bag!

I feel like everything I write lately is forced or it's provided too soon in the story. My goal is to do everything I can to get inspired this weekend and crank it out, because I'd really hate to not have this book out by the end of June. My greatest fear right now is that I'll read this from the beginning hate it all and scrap it and start over, then I can forget all about having this done by the end of June!

So, friends please keep your fingers crossed and send me some happy inspirational vibes my way ;)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Creating a brand...

Everywhere I look (blogs, twitter, goodreads, etc) I see someone is talking about creating their brand or its a post about tips on creating a brand and it made me realize just how behind I am on this! Eek!

Like some new indie authors I've read about I was waiting for my popularity to pick up. I didn't want to come on the scene with some sense of entitlement unearned, but that's wrong. If I hope to be seen as a serious author I have to first present myself as such. I have to come onto the scene as if I'm already established, a force to be reckoned with! Okay, maybe that last part is a little much, but you get the idea. :)

Of everything I've taken away from these posts is that branding is everything must be consistent and easily traced back to me. If my books are sitting on a shelf, electronic or otherwise, the idea is that with just one glance any reader would recognize that as a book by Melissa Aragon.

So, basically what I'm doing now is lots of research and finding out what's effective and what I've been doing wrong. I've decided to re-do my book cover for Unexpectedly Out of Focus (again!) and have already started on the second book's cover as well. I've chosen book covers with the same models and have decided to change the color scheme from sepia tone to a gray scale.

All in all I'm very satisfied and excited about this new direction I'm going in and the changes I've started. I hope to continue to build a successful brand and make my mark in the literary world :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Review and Giveway...

The wonderful ladies at Three Chicks and Their Books reviewed Unexpectedly Out of Focus and are hosting a giveaway today! Woo-Hoo! Thanks Jen and ladies :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Snippet Sunday

Lightning fast Bryce rips Alex’s arm off of me with a sneer. “Don’t you ever touch her again,” he threatens through clenched teeth.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Freebie Code!

Happy Easter! I have no snippet to share today, instead I'm sharing a code for Smashwords.com to get Unexpectedly Out of Focus free until Tuesday April 2nd!

Go to Smashwords use code EF65U at checkout then plop yourself in a comfy space, relax and get lost in Unexptedly Out of Focus :)

Directions on how to download at Smashwords
Don't forget to turn off the adult filter at the top of the screen otherwise you won't be able to find my book!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Snippet Sunday...

So sorry I completely flaked last Sunday so today I've decided to post a slightly longer snippet...enjoy!

The setup: Jane (blue font) and Mary (pink font) are in the ladies room talking about where to stay while they are in Sedona...

“Hey, sorry about leaving you to get a room on your own last night, I was so tired I could barely think. I was going to offer to split the bill with you, but then Bryce suggested he take the bill completely and you and Sarah can share the room.” I quickly spit my words out and cringe, waiting for her to hotly reject anything from him.
“That won’t be necessary,” she says distractedly holding up outfits for Ginny to pick. I open my mouth to argue, her stubbornness can be frustrating sometimes, but she continues, stopping me before I can get a sound out, “I stayed at the cabin with Alex.” She smiles up at Ginny still trying to get her to return a smile, “and he said I can stay as long as I’d like,” the smile on her face is making her voice come out dreamy-like.
“Oh.” I didn't expect that.
"You're okay with that right?" she asks and looks at me with her perfected faux innocent look perhaps forgetting that I can tell the difference.
“Yeah, of course, whatever is comfortable for you.”

Monday, March 18, 2013

Unexpectedly is spotlighted today...

Hello Everyone!

Today Unexpectedly Out of Focus is the spotlight feature at bookreaderchronicles.com blog! If you have a moment today head on over there and leave a comment or just share the post to your Facebook page then feel free to peruse the site and read some of Kimberly's great reviews!

Thanks Kimberly for the spotlight, I look forward to reading your review! :)

**Here is the full link to the post just in case the link above isn't working:



Friday, March 15, 2013

Volcrian's Hunt (Book 3 of The Cat's Eye Chronicles) Cover Reveal

Title: Volcrian's Hunt (Book 3 of The Cat's Eye Chronicles)
Author: T. L. Shreffler (www.tlshreffler.com)
Release date: September 30th, 2013
Discover the World: www.catseyechronicles.com

Add to Goodreads Button

Volcrian's Hunt (Cat's Eye, #3)

A cursed plague is spreading across the land. Crops are rotting. People are dying in the streets. Sora, with the help of her magical Cat's Eye necklace, is the only one who can stop it.
She must travel overseas to the Lost Isles, a place of legend and mystery. Only there can she destroy the bloodmage, Volcrian, putting an end to the curse. She is accompanied by Crash, a lethal assassin who once threatened—and saved—her life. But Sora is beginning to question her dark companion. He seems to be carrying a secret; a hidden past that could endanger them all.
Meanwhile, they are hunted by an underground society known as the Shade. For centuries, the Shade has waited for the perfect opportunity to step into the light. Now they are perilously close to resurrecting a Dark God and unleashing a wave of unimaginable destruction. They only need to collect the three sacred weapons, and Sora has already found two....

Youtube Book Trailer

About the Author

T. L. Shreffler lives in Los Angeles, CA. She loves diversity, fantasy, romance, iced tea, long walks, philosophy and thrift store shopping. She recently graduated with a BA in Badass (Creative Writing) and her poetry has been published consecutively in Eclipse: A Literary Journal and The Northridge Review.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlshreffler
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5138153.T_L_Shreffler
Website: www.tlshreffler.com
Email: therunawaypen@gmail.com

Rafflecopter Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snippet Sunday!

He exhales and puts them back in giving me a firm look not to challenge him, "You do need them," he stops to give me that firm look again when I open my mouth to argue, "I want to be the only one knowing what you're wearing under these jeans." He runs his hand over my backside with a strong hand slowly pulling away leaving me a mushy mess ready to say yes to anything else he wants me to wear if he promises to touch me like that again.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Helping to get the word out...

Elizabeth Reyes author of The Moreno Series, 5th Street Series and now The Fate Series a spinoff from The Moreno Series has asked to spread the word of the availability of the 1st book in the Fate Series, Vince and Rose. 

Reyes' books are great stories, filled with relatable characters, hunky alpha-males and romance that pulls you in until the very last word leaving you wanting more! 

Follow this link back to her site to read more about Vince and Rose: http://authorelizabethreyes.blogspot.com/2012/10/fate-is-finally-out.html

Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Snippet Sunday!

Welcome to the first Snippet Sunday! Every Sunday until I publish the second book in the Unexpected Series I will post a short teaser of no more than a few sentences, but may grow the closer I get to publishing. Enjoy :)


“Shhh,” he soothes into my ear, rubbing the back of my head with one hand while holding me tightly to him with the other. For a moment I forget everything that’s happened between us. I forget that Bryce is sitting just a few feet behind us, watching. All I can do is soak up Alex’s touch. “I’m here, baby, everything’s gona be alright,” he coos and suddenly I’m angry.
“How can you say that?” I demand trying to pull away, but Alex tightens his hold on me. “The doctors won’t even say that,” I cry out shaking my head.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Free week promo!

I meant to post this yesterday, but got distracted by food, breakfast at this perfect hole-in-the-wall restaurant to be more specific. :) You'd be certifiably crazy to pass up an offer to go there!

Any-hoo, in honor of my new book cover I am offering Unexpectedly Out of Focus for free using coupon code JE55X at smashwords for one week (2/17-2/23). Enter this code before checkout then download the book in any format, then sit back and enjoy a good read ;)

Directions on how to download at smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/about/supportfaq#kindle

**Don't forget to turn off the adult filter at the top of the screen otherwise you won't be able to find my book

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coming soon...

The question I'm get from readers is "When the heck is the 2nd book coming out? I have to know..."

The short answer: I'm working on it.

I'm doing my best to write as much and as fast as I can, but I want to make sure it's not rushed. I do know where I want the story to end, but getting their is just like any story worth telling a journey. I still have no release date, but as soon as I get closer to knowing I will be sure to let you all know. Until then I promise not to be silent and hold out on you. So I'll be starting Snippet Sundays next month. They'll be short snippets from each chapter, not enough to give away any spoilers, but enough to tease and leave you begging for more ;)

Update: I just starting working with a very talented design artist who is helping me re-do my cover! Once the new cover is ready I will do a short promo and offer my book for free for one week! So spread the word and share the free love ;)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Finally on B&N!

Unexpectedly Out of Focus is officially on B&N! Woo-hoo! If you're a Nook owner or know of someone who is please go out and buy it or spread the good news :)

Unexpectedly Out of Focus

Team Alex or Team Bryce?

So as I'm getting responses back from my readers I always have to ask "Team Alex or Team Bryce"?

So far Alex is in the lead. (He takes a bow and shoots Bryce a smug smile)

I'm a little shocked to be honest. I thought for sure that although Bryce is the guy that moved in on some guy's woman without second thought for sure his passionate love for Mary would somehow redeem him. Maybe that was wishful thinking ;) It is fascinating and so much fun to read a reader's take on the story that is so different from my own!  I love when they start with "I feel..." I know with just those two words I've done my job as a writer!

Thank you Readers for loving Unexpectedly Out of Focus as much as you all have, I hope many more will be joining in on your sentiments! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dream Celebrity Cast

Follow the link to my Pinterest board of which celebrities I would choose to portray the characters in Unexpectedly Out of Focus...

Book Party!

My wonderful Uncles Steve and Ron here on visit from San Francisco threw me my first book party last night and it was spectacular! It was held at my grandmother's home and it was filled with family and friends who made the night a very memorable one for me. The alcohol was flowing, laughs were in abundance and speeches were made that brought me to tears. Like one of my cousins said, I am here and pushing forward because of the amazing love and support I have from the people God chose to give to me that I lovingly call family :)

Some pics from the night....

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Officially on Kobo Books!

I'm officially in Smashwords premium catalog and Unexpectedly Out of Focus has already been shipped to Kobo Books and Barnes and Noble! B&N has yet to update, but it will show up within a few days (squeals!)! Okay announcements done, now I have to get back to writing :)

Someone to Love by Addison Moore Book Review

Someone to LoveSomeone to Love by Addison Moore

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved this book! On more than one occasion I was laughing out loud, biting my nails in anticipation and swooning with stars in my eyes over the romance. The characters are so real and easy to relate to. The steamy scenes were done to perfection, not too much or too little. The author definitely has a way with words that romanced me the entire read. I highly recommend this to anyone who loves a hot romance!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Perfect for You by Kate Perry Book Review

Perfect for You (Laurel Heights, #1)Perfect for You by Kate Perry

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I downloaded this and finished it in 24 hours! The storytelling is impeccable, there's zero lagging or any feeling of being rushed. Kate makes me want to be a better a writer! I found myself rooting for the characters right away. I laughed out loud and got giddy and excited along with Freya and even her meddling little sister ;) The buildup is just the right amount of teasing and the payoffs, that's right plural, are worth it! Can I ask for more of Max please? So yum ;)

View all my reviews

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines Book Review

Fallen Too Far (Fallen Too Far, #1)Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is by far Abbi's best work. I was so intrigued by the characters, their interactions and the emotion flowing through every page. What was supposed to be light reading before bed turned into an all-night read until I was done. I had two hours to sleep before my alarm for work was set to go off! I found myself wanting to cry from the very beginning and finally shed a few tears in the middle and definitely at the end. I can hardly wait for the second book and I'm sure I'll gobble it up in one sitting again :) I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves , hot romances with a heart. The characters are well-developed, the story is spellbinding and the end leaves you wanting more!

View all my reviews

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gabriel's Hope by Lizzy Ford Book Review

Gabriel's Hope (Rhyn Eternal, #1)Gabriel's Hope by Lizzy Ford

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great spin off. I was glued to the story from the first page to the last. There wasn't any time during the story that it lulled or got so detailed I had to skim just to get to the next interesting part. This is what I love about Lizzy's stories, it's never too little or too much!

There isn't much I can touch on that isn't written in the description summary without reiterating it or giving away spoilers and honestly the summary is more than enough. What I will say is you won't be sorry you decided to read this story, I very highly recommend this book to any person who loves the supernatural, romance and a very well written story filled with believable characters and twists you don't see coming!

View all my reviews

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Two is always better than one...

I know it's incredibly common for self-published authors to miss a typo or make a formatting mistake here and there, especially those who do the whole thing by themselves like I did, but I had naively hoped that I was the exception. Silly me!

My sister, thank God for her close eye, found a timeline error! I caught it during my editing, but somehow still didn't fix the whole thing. Grrr!

I'm bummed about not finding this and correcting it before I published, but I'm more upset for the readers that have already purchased Unexpectedly Out of Focus. If you're reading this and you're one of the few who got this copy I'm very sorry for this error. I hope it didn't ruin the reading experience for you, my sister assures me it didn't ruin it for her, and sisters or not she's the brutally honest one of us three! :)

So the moral of the post today: A second pair of fresh eyes is always better than trying to do it all by myself.