Friday, September 5, 2014

****Giveaway Time!****

Hi my Peeps!

Thank you for liking my post on Facebook and coming here to get two more points!** I would have done this on FB, but apparently they don't like us asking you all to share something on your personal timelines...Silly! Any-Hoo. Follow the instructions below to earn yourself 2 more points for a total of 3 points (1 pt. for liking the post on FB and 2 pts. for sharing this picture)!

  • To earn 2 more point share the picture below to your Facebook page using the hashtags #UnexpectedlyOutofFocus #eBookDeal and tag me (

**If you came here through other means, go to my Facebook page (click the little icon to the right or use the link above) and like my post of this picture for 1 pt. then follow the instructions above for 2 more points!

Good Luck!
~Melissa :)