Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Book Anniversary Giveaway Winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered and shared my giveaway celebrating Unexpectedly Out of Focus 1st year of success! :)

And to the following Winners:

4 Signed Copies of Unexpectedly Out of Focus:

Veronica Sianez

Susie Madrueno

Melissa Sanchez

Maira Torres

4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards:

Cheryl Ritter

Janny Garcia

Lisa Rubio

Alex Espinoza

4 $5 Starbucks Gift Cards (for my Twitter followers):

Maria Barquero (@mariasbookblog)

Lupita Saavedra (@lupita4321)

Lori Garside (@garsidesbookbet)

Yvonne Salazar (@yvonne92514321)